Prio 6: BSI Impact on Believes, Psychologie and Philosophy

When you use the BSI you will know that there's something out there. Call it God, Allah, Jah, Jahweh or whatever. It does not matter. Because something out there is caring for you without interfering with your free will. The multiverse with endless possibilities is made for everyone ( past, now,

future ) so also for you.

Moreover the basis of the BSI lies in 2001 with:

1-Buddha doesn't sleep for 7 days and nights because he wants to know something

2-Jesus walks on water

3-The highest Jihad is to yourself -> Conquer yourself and enter the Multiverse.

and 4- in the Cave of Patmos a small island in Greece. Something waited there for 1900 years for someone.

Apocalypse = Reveal = Uncloak