Prio 12: BSI Impact on "Time" ( which does not exist )

We are surfing through an endless multiverse where all choices made exist. Time has no meaning in the MV. With each choice we surf to a better or worse part of the MV. That guarantees the Free Will.

The Bible Book Revelation speaks of the End of times as also the Maya's. With the revelation of the BSI it is a fact.

Time has ended, Free Choices rules.

Important note:

A person is not free if you do not take back 100% control with the BSI.

That person keeps on going to surf with ignorance to the worse regions of the MV. To be ingorant is also a free choice but with the BSI it's easier to overcome ignorance.

Einstein Space-Time continuum can be replaced by Space-Choices continuum.

All paradoxes about time, time and high speed space traveling can be thrown to the junk yard.

My teacher, many coices ago, was right: The fastest speed is the speed of thought.

Important Note: Us always the latest insights when you think ( Markov Chain ) and also the BSI.